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  • businesscontinuity

When Should You Start up a Business Continuity Plan?

Updated: Mar 25, 2019

Across the nation, Business Continuity Plans have served as a security blanket for businesses. While it is something that you hope you will never have to fall back on, you want your continuity plan to work when required. One of the vital aspects of doing this work is understanding how disasters can have a huge impact on your company. You have to understand how specific disasters will each affect your business and the services in different ways.

Unfortunately, a lot of business owners create a BCP, but they do not check it regularly with test drills to determine if it will cover them. This is equally important, and you need to check it regularly for the best security. Professional technicians can help you to do this more easily. You also have to understand that there could be disasters you are not thinking about.

For example, while you might be aware of the risk a flood poses to your office, you may not be prepared for a flood striking your off-site storage facility where you keep your paper and digital data. Having a comprehensive BCP ensures that if disaster strikes, your business will stay afloat. A qualified IT company can help you to meet your business goals competently. If you have any questions about Business Continuity and need technical help, pick up the phone and call now.

How Do You Receive a Return on Your Social Media Marketing?

Ever feel like the only business owner who struggles with success through the social media platforms? In a lot of these cases, business owners will feel confused about why they cannot gain traction, but the truth is that people are not alone. In a recent survey from Manta, researchers discovered that 60 percent of small business owners did not have a return on their marketing efforts through social media.

What can you do to avoid these mistakes that cost both time and money? First, you have to change your priorities with social media. A lot of people believe that social media can bring in new customers, but the truth is that social media becomes a great platform for customers who are already loyal to your company. When you treat your social media platform as a word-of-mouth community, that is where the real return comes in at. What can you do to win more followers? First, post valuable content and ask questions that engage your current following. Second, show your followers that you actually care for them, and they will be more likely to listen to you. If you are struggling with your social media efforts, it might be time to contact a local IT company. We are your go-to experts, and we can help you in a variety of situations. get more info

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